It's all in the Journey, the Experience

An Investigation in World Literature

Week 4 in Review


WOW!  What an exciting week!

APA Urges Congress not to cut Food Stamps

Monday was an exciting lesson in Patrick Henry and the Speech at the Virginia Convention. We began with an Argumentative Article of the Week Analysis about the APA asking Congress not to cut Food Stamps Spending.

We compared Henry’s use of rhetorical devices in hsi speech with those use by Shakespeare in Henry Vs speech on Saint Crispin’s Day.  The students did a great job analyzing the text and discovering the similarities and differences through group collaboration and a moment of sharing.

St. Crispin’s Day Speech   

Patrick Henry “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech

I wish I had the nerve to video tape myself like this-unfortunately I screencast myself and sound like a fool-who doesn’t when they listen to their answering machine???

Monday Night I met some really awesome parent at Curriculum Night.  Thank you for your patience as I tried to coherently share with you all my excitement for this semester!

Tuesday we created pamphlets using Thomas Paine’s “The Crisis”.  I am going to have to MAKE myself take pictures at school-especially since I do not have a smartphone (actually a rather not smart phone) and will have to pull out the camera!  Seriously, did you know they still made these for the general public???  The students did a FANTABULOUS job with these and they sat outside my classroom for the week!  I am the worst when it comes to documenting-and yet I told at least 5 students to take a pic today!  Do as I say and as I do!

Wednesday was T-Day!  Yes, our first test!  The results were respectable!  Probably not what my high-flyers wanted, but for a test-it was solid and they did a good job!  After analysis I only identified 2 standards that were not clearly proven as mastery for the majority of the students and today we completed a SnapShot on Edmodo and will participate in individualized differentiation of re-teaching strategies to ensure we fully grasp the standards!

Thursday was The Scarlet Letter weekly group quiz-and I created a monster!  They usually take 30 minutes-but my babes were collaborating, writing, and editing for a full 60 mins!  There was so much amazing discussion – offering ideas and challenging theories-I have never seen students outside of the university level discuss a novel with so much #interest!  These are some #motivated kids!

The standard class spent the period connecting questions with answers and trying to figure out the Romantic Period.  They did a great job working together and determining how questions meet with answers-what that looks like.  We ended the period with predictions about how we thought the historical events would play out in our literature this unit.


Fridays are always FANTASTIC in my class!  We began the day with a vocabulary quiz-pretty easy since I left 7 words off the list, so our quiz only had 13 words this week.  Almost EVERYONE told me of their 100 today!

We moved on to a quick Edmodo Snapshot on standards RI1 and RI5.  There were 8 questions total and if we scored better than 3 on a standard we got a jewel.  But I don’t want you to think that those who did not get a jewel were left out, oh no!  They will be rewarded this weekend with an additional learning opportunity!  Yes, they will get to have a  quick podcast review of the standard and an additional opportunity to try and score mastery-let me tell you what!  We are all about the individual here in Goodie Goodson’s class!  Here fair doesn’t mean you get cotton candy and a candy apple-or that everyone gets the same-here in Goodie Goodson’s classroom, fair means you get what you need to be the most successful you you can be!

Check out our blogs-this week we reacted to Graham hill’s idea of simplicity in preparation for The Romantics next week.


Graham Hill-Less is Happiness

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It’s all in the journey, the Experience…Not the grade


September 2014

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